「青年本色」由澳門特區政府社會工作局支持場地,以自負盈虧營運的青年商店,是屬於聖公會澳門社會會服務處其中一個服務部門 。
「青年本色」由澳門特區政府社會工作局支持場地,以自負盈虧營運的青年商店,是屬於聖公會澳門社會會服務處其中一個服務部門 。
「Youth Works」 is a branch unit of Sheng Kung Hui Macau Social Services Coordination Office and are supported by the Social Welfare Bureau of the Macao SAR Government. And is self-financing operation store that supports its own expenses through selling merch.
The aim is to create a youth-original platform for young people to bring their creativity out; not only encourage them to realize and pursue their dreams, but also help teenagers to know themselves better and establish their life through different employment and entrepreneurship service plans. Also develop young people’s knowledge in the retail industry, multi-skills training and diversify employment.
逢星期一至星期五 :中午12時至晚上8時
Monday to Friday: 12:00-20:00
Saturday: 12:00-18:00
*Sunday and Public Holiday: Closed