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內容: 聖公會與美高梅合辦主題攤位日,關心僱員家庭關係健康狀況,合共吸引近1000人次僱員參與。 攤位日透過問卷及與輔導員/社工一對一傾談,讓僱員了解「家庭生命週期」概念,反思自己與家人相處的方式,找到合適的相處技巧。不少僱員與輔導員/社工深入傾談,就家庭議題有更多的覺察 。
Event: MGM Employee Assistance Program Roadshow –Healthy relationships start at home
Date: September 13, 15, 2021
Location: MGM Macau & MGM Cotai
Content: S.K.H. and MGM MACAU co-organized a booth day to focus on the health of employees’ family relationships, attracting a total of nearly 1,000 participants. Through questionnaires and one-on-one conversations with counselors/social workers, employees were able to understand the concept of “family life cycle”, reflect on their own ways of dealing with their family members and find appropriate techniques to get along with them. Many employees had in-depth conversations with the counselors/social workers and gained more insight into family issues.