永利負責任博彩推廣日——正確理財 健康家庭Wynn Responsible Gambling Roadshow — Financial Tips For Healthy Families

日期: 6月 4日及11日 (共 2場)

目的: 透過遊戲卡及傾談站,讓團隊成員與輔導員交流,加強團隊成員認識正確理財及負責任博彩的重要,瞭解健康理財行為除了能提高我們的生活品質外,更能讓我們遠離賭博失調的危害,減少產生賭博成癮的機會,活出豐盛愉快的家庭,是次活動約1750人次參與。

Date: June 4 & 11 (2 sessions)

Target:  Through the quiz cards and Chat Booth, Wynn Team Members (TMs) exchange with the counselors, so as to enhance the understanding of the importance of proper financial management and responsible gambling. Understanding the healthy financial tips not only improves the quality of life, but also keeps us away from the risks of gambling disorders and leads to happy family life. Altogether around 1750 participants at the events. 
