「童行拾星」籌款行動 “Smiley Kids”Fundraising Campaign



Rejoice with those who rejoice;mourn with those who mourn . Romans 12:15 


Since the outbreak of COVID-19, there is a rising trend for the needs of counseling and family support regarding individuals and families who are experiencing emotional, mental health and family-related difficulties, and there is also a strong demand of professional training, speech therapy and occupational therapy services for helping the children with Special Education Needs (SEN).  Therefore, in response to the needs of these children and adolescents, Sheng Kung Hui Macau Social Service Coordination Office launched the “Smiley Kids” Fundraising Campaign for providing the above services which are not subsidized by the government.  (From Goretti’s Translation) 

服務處一直以「拾海星老人」的故事,比喻社工和不同的助人者,重視每一個體,重視每一位有需要的人。自1997年起,服務處每年服務數以萬計有需要人士。然而我們亦十分需要你的愛心捐獻和支持, 為有特別學習需要(SEN)的家庭,提供服務。 

S.K.H. SSCO has been pursuing the spirit of The  Starfish Story which empower every social worker, counsellor and helper. We value every individual and give out the best to empower those in need. We have served millions of people since 1997. However, we also need your support and lovely donations for us to provide services for families with special learning needs (SEN). 

By December 31, 2024

捐款總額澳門幣(Total Donations Received ):$0
童行拾星計劃-參加者感想 的副本 (1)
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童行拾星計劃-參加者感想 的副本 (1)
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拾星路上的故事 The Starfish Story (點擊看故事) (Click here to read ) 

分享短片中,講述3位年青人如何在經歷各自人生中的種種挑戰,包括活在破碎的創傷家庭關係中、人際衝突中的恐懼與挑戰、人生方向的迷失、以及從賭博困擾中的醒悟,透過自身的努力,服務處社工及輔導員同行下,重拾自信與色彩,重獲得人生新方向… The stories state how the three youths experienced various challenges in their lives, including living in broken and traumatic family relationships, fear and challenges in interpersonal conflicts, loss of life direction, and awakening from gambling troubles. Through their own efforts, with the help of social workers and counselors from S.K.H. They regained a new direction in colorful life with confidence. 


獲取心理輔導 To acquire Counseling Servies

為經歷家庭創傷或成長困擾,產生而出現情緒健康困擾之兒童、青少年的心理輔導。Psychological counseling for children and adolescents with emotional health problems arising from family trauma or growth distress

獲取專業評估、訓練、治療教材 To Access to professional assessment, training, and treatment materials

為有特別學習需要(SEN)學童及家庭,得到及時的全面支援。Get timely and comprehensive support for students with special learning needs (SEN) and their families.

善款將用於未有政府資助的服務 Donations will be used for non-subvented services

澳門幣Mop $ 250 讓一名兒童或青少年獲得一次專業訓練或小組活動、語言篩檢;a professional training or group activity, language screening for a child or youth 
澳門幣Mop $ 450 讓一名兒童或青少年獲得一次專業心理輔導; a professional counseling session for a child or youth 
澳門幣Mop $ 850 讓一名兒童獲得一次語言訓練 a speech training for a child

其他物資或心意捐贈 Other material donations

除了捐款外,善長可以向服務處捐贈物品 ,例如包括抗疫物資、有助學習之電子產品、音樂器材、現金禮券等。我們會將你的心意轉贈至有需要的弱勢社群,或增潤本會的服務。歡迎致電28353449與同工查詢聯絡。Apart from money donation, you can donate the items such as anti-epidemic materials, electronic products that help learning, musical equipment, cash coupons etc. Your donations will be benefitical to the disadvantaged groups in need, or enrich our services. Please call 28353449 to contact the staff for inquiries.

參與捐款箱放置計劃 Joining in the donation box placement program

有意加入成為支持單位/商戶,有請填妥「童行拾星」籌款行動捐款箱表格 ,經電郵(co@skhwc.org.mo) 或傳真(Tel:2830 7913)本服務處,聖公會澳門服務服務處人員會於7天按排實地會面,詳細解釋有關之細節安排。 Welcome all merchants and enterprises to fill in the form of donation boxes requirement of “Smiley Kids” Fundraising Campaign and send it through email (co@skhwc.org.mo) or fax (Tel:2830 7913). We will arrange to time to meet with you for the further discussion.


1.掃描聚易用QR CODE (Scan QR CODE)

2. 透過捐款箱 Through the donation boxes

3. 轉帳入銀行或支票到以下銀行,傳真至 2830 3913 或電郵至 co@skhwc.org.mo。
Bank transfer or cheque to the bank below, fax to 2830 3913 or email to co@skhwc.org.mo
If you would like to request a receipt, please click the link below to fill in the "Receipt Request Form".

銀行: 華僑永亨銀行(OCBC)/工商銀行澳門(ICBC)/澳門國際銀行(LusoBank)

賬戶號碼(澳門幣): 533523-100/0119101700000155918/11040-024113-9
